Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What a day!

First and foremost I have to thank a very special Texan for being my first ever etsy customer! How exciting! I'm so glad that she liked my little felted bits of fun! She purchased a heart keychain/ornament which just so happened to be one of the very first items I ever made using felt. After that heart I was hooked! I love crafting with felt. It's easy to cut, stich and comes in such bright and cheerful colors.

My craft item "de jour" is another etsy shop item. Some fun and sassy little winged heart keychain/ornaments.

On another fun note I made some homemade pizza dough today so my hubby and I had some yummy pizza for dinner tonight. We tried to eat out on the patio tonight but these crazy winds we've had nearly blew us away. I really hope things calm down for this weekend's camping trip (more on that later).

Anyway, I tried out the wheat option on the crust which turned out delicious. I'm sure using just the all purpose flour would have been more delicious but we are trying to eat more fiber these days. Here are some pics of the pizza.

1 comment:

geni said...

I'm the Texan who ordered your adorable heart felt :)
I collect fun heart stuff (that my DH and I leave around for each other like love notes),
and I'm addicted to Etsy!

I love the winged hearts..hmmm, have to check those out.

What a great blog..
your profile made me laugh!
Thanks for the blog shout out!