Friday, February 19, 2010

Check out Divine Chaos and giveaway!!!

Happy Friday everyone!

Hop on over to Divine Chaos today to check out Emily's blog. It's full of crafty goodness, movie reviews, great blog suggestions and sass!

This girl is awesome. We are style school buddies and Emily has offered to do a feature of my blog in her Friday Friends edition.

To celebrate I'll be giving away two pairs of earrings (in the color of your choice). One through Emily's blog and one through mine. For my blog you get one entry for leaving a comment with the thing you are most looking forward to about spring. You get a second entry for following my blog (just let me know that you are following in my blog).

Take care!


Aaron and Jen Boyd said...

Haha, I'm following your blog! I'm not really looking forward till spring right now, because I won't experience spring until 2011 :-). But I am looking forward to finishing up my continuous 3 summers in a row.

Anonymous said...

Ok, when I lived in Michigan I looked forward to spring. But I'm in Florida now, and we don't seem to have spring. Boo hoo!

Mandy Deitering said...

Following your blog now!

Hmmm, what I am looking forward to most about Spring .... Hopefully getting some baby bunnies! One year we "bunny sat" some bunnies for a month or so and I miss keeping little hippity-hops! :)