Sunday, October 3, 2010

Things I like about NC

It was (yet again) another wonderful Carolina weekend. Beau and I both had busy Saturdays. Beau was helping to change oil for a church mission project and I ran in my first WNC 5k since moving to God's country.
The Race to Remember benefitting the Alzheimer's Association was such a well-organized event. I wasn't quite sure what to expect moving from Atlanta which has such a huge running community to WNC but these guys did not dissapoint. The only thing that did disappoint me was how terribly out of running shape I really am. I've been waiting for the weather to cool off and the cooler days are here so I'm either going to have to come up with another excuse or put my money where my mouth is.
One of the things I really love about WNC is the community. When I was walking around waiting for the race to start I wandered over to some folks to talk. They said to me "you look familiar" and even though I didn't recognize them I knew right away how we would know! People are not only incredibly friendly here, but faith is at the forefront of everyone's mind....How refreshing is that!?!
This really is God's country, you see Him everywhere from each beautiful piece of nature to the smiles of perfect strangers and the I thank God not only for that but for bringing Beau and I to a place that really is helping us to grow our in our walk with Him.
Have a good week everyone!

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