Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"Chicago is my kind of town"

Despite being laid off recently I had previously made plans with a friend to head up to the Windy City last weekend. After reviewing the situation (and my finances), I decided that it made more sense to go since airfare, hotel and tickets had already been paid for. I would only have to limit my spending. Sorry Chicago, no shopping for me this time :-(

I was so glad I went. My first trip to Chicago will certainly not be my last. The city was amazing. It has all my favorite things about New York without the crowds, or smog, which is a perk for me.

Friday night I arrived and found the weather was in my favor. No snow, no ice, just cold, and I can deal with cold. We went to a wonderful Italian restaurant for dinner and then went and to the top of the Hancock Building(the Signature Room)for dessert. The view was amazing and I would suggest this to anyone visiting Chicago for the first time, or anytime really.

Saturday we found one great deal after another. The magazine Real Simple was handing out eye shadow at the Walgreens. H&M was handing out $10 off coupons. And best of all the museums were free. Free February was being sponsored by Target at all the museums in the city. Knowing we would only have time for one we picked the Art Institute and were thrilled to spend Saturday gazing at all the beautiful works of art.

Some of the highlights:
Thorne Miniature Room
So fun! I want to make miniature room of my own. While I don't quite believe it's what Virginia Woolf had in mind when she suggest that every woman should have a "room of one's own", I don't think she would protest either.

Improvisations: Picture Books by Chris Raschka
Wonderful dummy books and prints that highlight the innovative genius of this creative illustrator.

Finally we capped the night off with a trip to the theater to go and see Wicked. I have seen dozens of musicals and that is why I feel confident telling you this is the best musical I've ever seen. Make a point to go and see it when it travels to your town. Get the soundtrack, but understand while it is wonderful it doesn't even come close.

I had an incredible time learning more about the city of Chicago and will be back again soon. I'm just glad that I missed the 9 inches of snow I heard they got at the start of the week.

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